Monday, July 7, 2008

7 months old...

7 mths old today. Our little baby is turning into a little boy before our eyes. He probably weights around 19 lbs and approx 28-29 inches long. We celebrated the 4th of July and we lit some sparklers for Lane to see but he didn't think much of them, just stared at them. We also bought a battery powered bubble maker and took it outside over the weekend, dang that thing was cool. I think I had more fun than he did though, he just stared at them. Maybe he was just tired and didn't feel like playing at the time.

Lane still doesn't have any teeth and doesn't crawl yet, but he will stand up for long periods of time when you get him close enough to something he can grab ahold of and pull up on. His legs are soo strong, maybe because he jumps in the jumperoo for hrs a day. I'm wondering if he will just take off walking instead of messing with the crawling phase. Either way I know we'll be in trouble when he figures it out. We have lots of childproofing to do around the house and probably a limited time to do it.

posted by lane's mommy....