Wednesday, July 30, 2008

and he's off...

Another amazing milestone met...on July 23rd Lane Curtis starting moving forward on the floor, yes a form of crawling has started and he's beginning to pick up speed. :) He has been able to move around by rolling and has been backing up for a couple months, but now he is crawling forward, we are so proud of him. He seems to be soaking up so much information..the way he looks at me when I'm explaining something to me just makes me think he completely understands. He loves it when you show him pictures and tell him who people are. Ryan has been bringing him into work once a week to have lunch with me during these summer months, I love seeing my boys!!! Still no teeth to report, but he sure looks ready for a steak. I keep telling him he has to get a couple teeth 1st before I can feed him yummy foods.

posted by lane's mommy...


Anonymous said...

hi! I found your blog because i was looking for striped walls. I was wondering if you can share with me how you got your stripes to look so great? How did you make such straight lines??

Candice Clem said...

just kidding, wrong blog. sorry :)