Friday, December 2, 2011

Fall Updates...

Summer went off without a hitch...and here we are finishing up the fall season & getting busy with winter already.

Lane is doing great, still staying with the inhome sitter, Grammy, who he LOVES. He is so big, and turning into a little person. He loves to wrestle with daddy, or anyone that will let him for that matter. He is extreamly strong & I have a hard time keeping up with him..I think the kid could ligit pin-me if we wrestled.

We did our annual Halloween/Camping trip this year, although daddy could attend. Lane still had a good time, dressed as "Bumblebee" the Transformer. Silly kid has never seen a transformer movie or cartoon, but he knows the toys are cool.

We are getting ready to celebrate Lane's big 4 birthday next week & will be having a party at our place again. Should be interesting this year, I think we will have around 8 kids or so there, YIKES, i better do some planning. Lane wanted a Thomas cake, so I've planned the party around Thomas, should be fun. More pics to come. But, I've attached some that were from our camping trip & Lane catching his first fish with daddy this fall!!!! He even set his own hook in the second fish, we were soooo proud! I know Grandpa Jimmy would be to!