Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Long time no update

Of course non of these pictures are in the correct orders, but as you can see our lil'guy was a Fireman for Halloween this year. He got to enjoy 3 seperate trick-or-treating experiences & we have enough candy to last a year. He had fun with us camping again & you can see by the look on his face lots of candy was consumed. LOL
He painted his own little pumpkin with Bomma at our house & Ryan helped him carve the big pumpkin. In that picture he was checking them outside to make sure they were OK. So thoughtful!
Then of course the other couple pictures are from the big guys 3rd Birthday Party! We got 2-4 inches of snow here in Lexington that day, but luckily it didn't dampen the party & we still had around 13-16 people show up to help us celebrate, THANKS EVERYONE!!! His party theme was HOT WHEELS, he picked that one out himself if you couldn't tell. The day after the party he told me, "Mommy, it be my birthday for a while, so i need a cupcake." HA HA HA
Lane definitely still has a great sense of humor & we are so very very blessed with him in our lives, I think he likes us too. The next challenge is Potty-Training....Lord give us all strength!