Monday, September 29, 2008

9 mos

Lane went for his 9mth checkup a week or so ago...and I'm ready to report his newest stats:length - 30 1/2 inches (95th percentile)weight - 20lbs 4 oz (39th percentile)So, far it seems our baby boy is tall and skinny like mommy and Grandpa Struble's side of the family. :) He is doing really well and the doctor is really pleased with his progress and says he is right on schedule with his milestones. Actually he seemed surprised that he is "cruising" already, but we all think he'll probably walk before his 1st birthday. We've started feeding him a lot more table food and he can eat meats now!! There's no stopping him!

This past week he has shown us that he can clap his hands and when standing up he will let go with both hands and stay up for at least 5-10 seconds before falling to his bottom. Also, we found out that he loves it when people laugh around him...Ryan will tickle me on the floor and Lane will crawl over and start laughing and trying to tickle me to, its adorable.

This weekend we are meeting my mom at the Lville zoo to let Lane see all the animals. I'm hoping with it being cooler out maybe the animals will be more active and he'll be more interested.

More to come...who knows what he'll do next. (maybe say momma, yea right, but he does say Dada sometimes)

posted by lane's mommy....